Copyrighted Images in a Public Domain BookIf a book is in the public domain, can we assume its pictures are also public domain? Could we add them to a PDF to accompany the audiobook? Let's examine the copyright law related to this question.Read MoreHow to highlight text of iAnnotate search resultsAs far as I know, iAnnotate software doesn’t have a way to automatically highlight all your search results. However, good ole MS Word — even my 2004 copy for Mac — has that option under Find and Replace. This article has instructions. In addition to or instead of highlighting the text, the Find and Replace formatting box lets […]Read MoreAssembly Tips for Custom-Size Studiobricks BoothsThis article outlines assembly tips for custom-size Studiobricks booth. All Studiobricks owners can benefit from the video about adjusting the door.Read MoreHow I Get Stuff DoneDuring APA Business Diagnostics, someone asked me how I get so much done. In this article, I share 9 specific tactics I use for efficient time management. Read MoreThoughts About Advice in Narrator GroupsIf you participate in online narrator groups, you'll want to carefully analyze the advice you give and receive there. Think twice before complaining about the tone.Read MoreOngoing Masterclasses and Acting ClassesOnline courses during the pandemic have enabled me to take 6 Deyan Masterclasses, as well as Joel Froomkin's Acting for Audio 14-week intensive course. Read More5 Things I Learned From Margaret Mitchell’s LettersApplying these 5 guidelines to my own correspondence and forum participation enables me to spend more quality time on my own projects.Read MorePut Yourself in the ACX Driver’s Seat WebinarI've been working with ACX since it was in beta test in Jan. 2011. I've used it as both narrator and publisher. I'm excited to do my first-ever webinar on ACX on 11 February! Read MoreCommit to Creativity WorkshopI attended the Commit to Creativity workshop on 10 January 2021. In this article, I discuss what I learned and share 2 writing prompts offered in the workshop that gave me clarity about how to proceed in my career. Click the link below to read the full article.Read MoreWhen the Author is 6 Feet UnderHow do you find the person who holds the audio rights to a deceased author's work? I share my search techniques in this article.Read More