Analyzing the Audiobook Narrator Self-Assessment Quiz Part 2Like finding the right place to live and physically moving in, choosing the right career -- even if it's a career change -- should start with significant self-reflection about the way you want to structure your life, the activities you enjoy, and your skills. This article is part 2 of 4 of analyzing answers to my Audiobook Narrator Self-Assessment Quiz.Read MoreAnalyzing the Audiobook Narrator Self-Assessment Quiz Part 1Last week, I presented my Audiobook Narrator Self-Assessment Quiz. Today, we’ll look at the rationale behind the Baseline and Language questions. Note that these questions don’t have right or wrong answers.Read MoreAudiobook Narrator Self-Assessment QuizA commenter on my article How to Become an Audiobook Narrator asked me: I am told that I have a great talent in reading and acting…and for some time I’ve been thinking if I should start doing voice overs as an audio book narrator. What kind of skills do I need to acquire or improve […]Read MoreAre QR Codes Still Used?Updated 17 September 2022 After poring over my Audiobook Marketing Cheat Sheet, an author recently asked me whether QR codes are still relevant and in use. I responded that the answer to that question depends on who you ask. You’ll find compelling arguments on both sides, but the codes seem to be regaining their […]Read MoreAudiobook Resources for Attendees of VOAtlanta 2018As a user of since it was in its pre-launch beta test and an Audible Approved Producer, I was delighted when Scott Jacobi, Marketing Director at ACX, asked me to speak on his panel today at this year’s VOAtlanta Conference. Scott is moderating the panel titled Chapter One — Creating Your Audiobook Career. […]Read More7 Places to Learn Audio Editing for AudiobooksWhether you want to edit your own audio files or become an editor for audiobook narrators, you can learn how to use your DAW software through 1 or more of the 7 places on this list.Read More3 Ways to Increase Your Computing PowerAn interviewer once asked me what I learned while working in information technology that helped me in my profession as an audiobook narrator. A 25-year career in a variety of IT positions including programmer, network and email administrator, and technical specialist certainly gave me an ease and confidence about utilizing a wide variety of software […]Read MoreResolutions and IntentionsWhat lies behind us and what lies ahead of us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. — Henry Stanley Hoskins (not Emerson as I originally believed) It’s day 3 in a new year. Have you already broken your New Year’s Resolutions? At the end of 2016, I took Michael Hyatt’s 5 […]Read MoreAntidote For A Dry Spell As I wrote over 10 years ago, in order for your ship containing job contracts to come sailing in to your harbor, you have to keep sending out promotional and prospecting ships into the world. But what happens when you don’t see any results from your efforts? It’s so easy to fall into a […]Read MoreIs This Coach Right For Me? When people ask my advice about getting training, I refer them to my article 10 questions to ask coaches and demo producers and the vetted coaches and consultants linked in the Connections section of my home page. Recently, someone told me she wanted to develop confidence and wondered whether I thought a particular coach […]Read More