What lies behind us and what lies ahead of us
are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.
— Henry Stanley Hoskins (not Emerson as I originally believed)
It’s day 3 in a new year. Have you already broken your New Year’s Resolutions?
At the end of 2016, I took Michael Hyatt’s 5 Days to Your Best Year Ever course. (This book is based on that course.) On day 3 of the course, he wrote about New Year’s Resolutions:
The average person makes the same New Year’s resolutions ten separate times without success.
After going through all of the exercises in Hyatt’s course, I confidently started 2017 with several specific goals in the areas of health, career, and avocation. I was making progress on all of them until mid-May.
Drew’s parents, who were 93 and 92 at the time, had been in good health for their age. They both were able to walk and care for themselves, and they were still living independently in their house of 54 years. He still drove, they did their own shopping, and they did all of the personal care activities that we take for granted. We enjoyed lunch with them at a restaurant on 12 May. In a blink of an eye, life changed.