The best way to accomplish your own dreams is to help other people accomplish theirs. Since I don’t currently teach classes or workshops, I have found that I can be of service to those wishing to enter the voice-over industry by offering the advice page on my web site and these essays on my blog. Of course, I enjoying discussing the industry when people meet me and express their curiosity.
I usually don’t have the opportunity to directly help newcomers, though, so I was quite delighted when Doug Paul, owner of the wonderful Catspaw Studios, called me recently about an unique collaboration with WSB-TV, ABC affiliate Channel 2 here in Atlanta. Popular TV and radio personality Clark Howard is hosting an hour-long prime-time TV show set to air on Monday, 30 October, titled
Finding Your Dream Job.
The link has useful information about networking and other career resources that may be useful to you if you are in the midst of a career transition.
On the show, Clark is giving 6 participants the chance to step into the environments of their dream job. David McCreary dreams of becoming a voice-over actor and was chosen for the show. Doug thought it would be valuable experience for David to perform a dialogue spot a against a professional voice talent and asked me if I could join them at Catspaw for a short recording session.
I was excited for David that Channel 2 selected Catspaw as the recording studio. Catspaw is one of the busiest studios in Atlanta. It’s a premiere facility, yet you are totally relaxed the moment you walk in the door. Everyone there is warm and friendly, like you’re among family.
In addition, Doug Paul is a leading national voice-over talent with 20 years or more of experience, and he is a fantastic example of living the dream life! After Doug developed his own bustling voice-over career, he built this striving studio. I always love working with Doug because he knows how to give precise direction to get the read he is hearing in his head. A session at Catspaw never lasts very long! 🙂 For David, the experience in working with Doug Paul at Catspaw would be the equivalent to a short masterclass. What a memorable way to jump-start a career!
Even though I met the producer and cameraperson prior to the shoot, I admit seeing a camera pointed at us in the hallway was a little unnerving, as I never do on-camera work. Since David is obviously the focal point of the story, the camera was trained on him while we were in the recording booth. I was proud of him that he seemed able to forget about the camera and have fun with the copy. We did a number of takes on the dialogue piece, and David adjusted well to Doug’s direction.
I don’t know if Channel 2 will use any of my segment in the finished TV show, but I will definitely be watching Clark Howard’s show tomorrow night at 8pm. I want to see the rest of David’s story, and I wish him every possible success in his voice-over career!
I certainly encourage everyone in the Atlanta viewing area to watch the show. You never know what you may learn from David’s experiences and those of the other participants who are working toward making their dreams come true.
Wow Karen!
What a unique way to help show someone the ropes 🙂
It sounds like you had a ball. If you are able to obtain some footage of the program, please send it to me for publication at VOX Daily.
Also, if you’d like to submit an article about your experience (and, perhaps if available, that of David McCreary), it would be an excellent addition that I’d be pleased to promote to our audience.
Best wishes,
Thank you again for your participation in my first time in a recording booth. I thoroughly enjoyed the session. Especially the last take where we got to goof off more.
Although I havent seen the show myself – I dont mind being recorded I am still shy about seeing myself on tape (oddly enough even on home movies). But my wife saw the show and was totally excited about it.
Thanks again you were fantastic!
I really enjoyed meeting you and your wife, and I had fun recording our dialogue spot. You did a great job and seemed at ease in the booth.
Doug gave you some excellent pointers for getting started in the industry. Now that the cameras are gone, the really exciting part begins. As Bob Fraser says: If it’s meant to be, it’s up to me!
It was an honor to be asked to participate on the show. Thanks for your kind words, and I hope I’m across the booth from you again soon! 🙂
Best wishes,
Wow — Maybe you haven’t been around Doug long enough to get “clawed.” Best advice, don’t get too close.
Thanks for the comment.
I think you get back what you put out in the world. I’ve always had great experiences working at Catspaw and welcome the opportunity to do so again.
It’s been several months since the Clark Howard show, but I thought I’d give you an update. I am enrolled in a broadcast training course, and it is very exciting – I use my home computer to create my broadcasting homework. Granted, I don’t have the professional equipment, but it gets the job done for me 🙂
I am currently putting together a one hour (fake) radio show, I am however, very limited in my access to background music, id jingles, sound effects etc..
But, you work with what ya’ got!
Oh and I have decided to alter my on air name to Dave Mackie (McCreary is a little tough on the tongue)
God Bless and have a wonderful day!
Hi, David! It’s great to hear from you. I’m delighted to know that you are taking active steps to make your dreams a reality!
You’re absolutely right about working with what you have. In fact, one of my favorite quotes is from Theodore Roosevelt:
Do what you can,
where you are,
with what you have.
By taking some action — no matter how small — every day toward your dreams, you will meet with success!
Thanks for the update, and best wishes as you move forward in this career!